If you care about water and the environment do the Bottle pose! Based on the performance from the Dutch artist Wim T. Schippers who emptied a bottle Gaseuze in the sea near the village Petten. But pose now as if you fill a bottle to stop the rising of the water.
At the Haarlem museum in front of a work of Sjoerd Buisman
Rehearsing with Het Stedelijk orkest. A song that I wrote commissioned by @cultuurhuiswherelant with music from @thomasvgeerts . Fun and excitement! ❤️🎶🌸 Director is Bert Steinmann.
De mooiste momenten haal je uit het scheppen en het leren door met passie te creëren. Blij en met een lach zonnig door de dag, kleuren verschijnen je straalt!
I was asked to write a song for Cultuurhuis Wherelant because of their 40 st anniversary, and the leave of the director. It’s about passion and the importance of creating art. For the assignment I was also coordinate the music sing the song with an orchestra and perform it in theatre Purmaryn.
I am, my voice is, part of The Listening Project in the Open Oscilator Festival at the Tolhuistuistuin! A festival of experimental (synth) music and sound. That’s great 👍🏼
The Listening Project is the growing sound archive of artists Rosalie Wammes, Rosa Ronsdorf, and Roos Pollmann. They have created an installation about time with the voices of residents of Noord. In an immersive installation, you can experience a new perspective on time.
On the Roof: on top of a building in Amsterdam Neco took as om a trip to Mozambique. We heated the rithme of the land the sounds of the wind and the birds, the stories of his grandparents and his dad who was absent. We clapped and sang together. That was really a wonderful experience. Thanks Neco!
Expressing you care about (the rising) of the water and environment. By doing the bottle pose you pose as if you fill a bottle with water and take it out of the sea or ocean. Based on the performance of the Dutch absurdist artist Wim T. Schippers.
Voor en door kinderen. Maar iedereen is welkom. Met kinderorkest van Zuiderwoude en Waterlandse Harmonie en Thomas Geerts. Kom lekker verkleed. Ik zing een vies Halloweenlied en lees een Surinaams griezelverhaal voor. Tot grrrr aaarch… Waterlandse Harmonie