The Pink Tanker

This beautiful place used to be near the main road but after the introduction of the Metro it had changed into a cultural place. Lots of music and bands perform there.

I wander how it did get its name ๐Ÿ˜€

On the other side we have the Blue Tanker that is painted Yellow. For the good observer ๐Ÿ˜


Staring into the water is staring into yourself.

Filming for media to add to one of my songs about how staring into the water brings you back to yourself.

Waves move

Soothing wind

Up and down

What comes goes around

Glow of the sun

Sparkles of light

A million diamond

In that beautiful light

RAW Studio Zaandijk

Every 2 weeks I work with Reniet Vrieze From RAW Studio to put my songs on music and sing and record them. A view of the search of a melody line and composition.

Singing guitar. Steel like.


The Loudest Library

Covered with beauty ๐Ÿ˜€โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜. Out in Amsterdam we met at the Jumbo supermarket and fell in love, them, from the Loudest Library, @ladyjoker_club and me. I was invited for theatrical clubbing ArtAffects. Luckily I was wearing my Super G-Sus shirt so totally ready for the occasion. Everybody dance now! And art and spoken word! Yeaah โค๏ธ๐ŸŒธโ˜€๏ธ

From sound to vision and vice versa, a seminar

From sound to vision and vice versa, a seminar for the University of the Arts HKU, games.

Student did mainly research and find their boundaries. Create new work. There was work about a mother who was an opera singer and who passed away. A student used her own anxieties, two created dances and one tried to recreate the sound of his cat that had just passed with machines inspired by Tinguely

RAW Studio

Working on the song titled: Voorbij. About the passing of my sister Marion. Included is the sound of the music merry-go -round. Itโ€™s broken and only had to sounds left.

Singing with Het Stedelijk Orkest

Rehearsing with Het Stedelijk orkest. A song that I wrote commissioned by @cultuurhuiswherelant with music from @thomasvgeerts . Fun and excitement! โค๏ธ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŒธ Director is Bert Steinmann.

De mooiste momenten haal je uit het scheppen en het leren door met passie te creรซren. Blij en met een lach zonnig door de dag, kleuren verschijnen je straalt!