My temporary studio in Friesland as a visitor of Machteld van Buren (her painting behind me) and Peter van Lier (poet and writer). Great to work on this spot near the sea and the mudflats.
New Renaissance Artist Henk Fakkeldij
Stimulating the senses, spoiling the mind.
My temporary studio in Friesland as a visitor of Machteld van Buren (her painting behind me) and Peter van Lier (poet and writer). Great to work on this spot near the sea and the mudflats.
At work. Almost finished my graphic score: Notes of a Nut. Based on the war by the Russians. It’s been a long slow proces. But never giving up and keep on working to process what visuals mean in sound. Love doing this
For the new magazine Sentimental Journey the founders Linda Loenen and Helma Bongenaar came over to my studio for some research. I showed them my Mail-Art archive and my graphic scores. Both art forms started in the 50 tees and still have my interest.
What a great soundscape by Reniet Vrieze (from the Pilgrims), based on my score The Land, the Lockdown, The revelation.
What a great beautiful composition Thomas Geerts made based on my graphic score: Back to Cranesley/The kiss
Gouaches at the expo at de Boterhal Hoorn. Improvisations/ graphic scores. 21 x 29.7 (in cm.)
Back in Bizznizz! De Boterhal is open! Visitors all afternoon. Got as a response: my work looks as magic realisme (Johfra). Good expression of fear… wonderful combination with sound…
People scanning the codes to listen to the great music of Reniet Vrieze and Thomas Geerts. Hope we keep the energy going!
At work. Installing the exhibition at the Boterhal at Hoorn. A beautiful historical place. Check De Boterhal for planning your visit. With the help of curator Philine.