The fernissages were great and well visited. Kunsttraject is een open air exhibition and about 60 people endured the cold for the beauty of art outside. About 1300+ visitors in Arti et Amititae.
Details of my paintings. Crash was the theme. A visual exploration of how energie could be visualiser after a car crash where film director Tjepke Zijlstra had been in.
Museum night on the ferry
What a great surprise to see the exhibition of Joost Stokhof on the ferry to Amsterdam Noord.
Perfumes and bottles
My perfumes exhibited in the Dutch Theatre Museum in the nine-tees.
Since I graduated from the Rietveld Art Academy I created perfumes from places, situations and remembrance. Here are my perfumes and bottles about the senses.
Golden Ophelius, a perfume men dream of &
Hameletta, a wet dream for women.
Work in the Amsterdam Museum
My work is as we speak part of the exhibition in the Amsterdam Museum: Faces of the North. Because of Amsterdam 750 years in 2025, the works will be shown in the Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem. Nice ππΌπ
Egyptian mummie portraits
What a stunning exhibition it was at the Historical Museum of Amsterdam.
Lots op portraits of dead people, beautiful expressions and personal signatures.
Loved it.
AI art
Visiting the AI architecture exhibition in the Architecture Museum in Haarlem. works of my friend and colleague Leon van Kuijk!
Surprising and futuristic
Foam Museum for photography
A nice exhibition about hiphop and punk. I like the combination of drawing and photography.
Faces of the North
This exhibition about portraits in different media is at the Amsterdam Museum. I did suggest my paintings for the groups portraits.
Gezichten van Noord-Holland
Vanaf morgen is de nieuwe tentoonstelling Gezichten van Noord-Holland te zien. Deze tentoonstelling is het resultaat van een uniek samenwerkingsproject tussen het Amsterdam Museum en het Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem. Samen met inwoners van de provincie Noord-Holland hebben de musea nieuwe en onvertelde verhalen ontdekt en vertaald naar bijzondere (groeps)portretten. Waar historische portretten in de collectie van beide musea vaak slechts de elite van de 16de en 17de eeuw tonen, brengen de portretten in deze tentoonstelling de diversiteit en veelzijdigheid van de provincie in beeld. Met Gezichten van Noord-Holland voegen het Amsterdam Museum en het Frans Hals Museum een nieuwe laag, gekenmerkt door een brede representatie van sociale klassen, leeftijden, genders en culturele achtergronden, toe aan de visuele geschiedenis van Noord-Holland.
Van 26 juli tot en met 10 november 2024 is deze tentoonstelling te zien.
Ana Lupas
A beautiful overview of the work of Ana Lupas at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. How history art and nature are connected
Exhibition in Ferwert Friesland
An exhibition in a stable and former blacksmith. Two Friesian artist. One painted the studio of the deceased artist Zoltan, that had turned into an interesting mess.