This beautiful place used to be near the main road but after the introduction of the Metro it had changed into a cultural place. Lots of music and bands perform there.
I wander how it did get its name 😀
On the other side we have the Blue Tanker that is painted Yellow. For the good observer 😁
Every 2 weeks I work with Reniet Vrieze From RAW Studio to put my songs on music and sing and record them. A view of the search of a melody line and composition.
Working on the song titled: Voorbij. About the passing of my sister Marion. Included is the sound of the music merry-go -round. It’s broken and only had to sounds left.
Rehearsing with Het Stedelijk orkest. A song that I wrote commissioned by @cultuurhuiswherelant with music from @thomasvgeerts . Fun and excitement! ❤️🎶🌸 Director is Bert Steinmann.
De mooiste momenten haal je uit het scheppen en het leren door met passie te creëren. Blij en met een lach zonnig door de dag, kleuren verschijnen je straalt!
A great performance of dance company Leina Roebana and Dyane Donck Compagny (sound, music) Everything is so intergraded and comes so beautifully together. Proud of my colleague Diane Donck who created the beautiful musical story. It was like a surrealistic dream.
The photos are taken before the start of the performance.
Applauding. Text: Erik Bindervoet with creator Andrea Leina
I was asked to write a song for Cultuurhuis Wherelant because of their 40 st anniversary, and the leave of the director. It’s about passion and the importance of creating art. For the assignment I was also coordinate the music sing the song with an orchestra and perform it in theatre Purmaryn.
At work. Almost finished my graphic score: Notes of a Nut. Based on the war by the Russians. It’s been a long slow proces. But never giving up and keep on working to process what visuals mean in sound. Love doing this