Canal pride. Music, happy faces, boats, dressed up fools and off coarse gay people and many more 😀. The weather is superb!!!

New Renaissance Artist Henk Fakkeldij
Stimulating the senses, spoiling the mind.
Canal pride. Music, happy faces, boats, dressed up fools and off coarse gay people and many more 😀. The weather is superb!!!
Oldy but goody. About dating online. Title: PVT ok! Mixed media on canvas. 200 x 120 (in cm). This one was part of my solo exhibition: The Seduction, at the Vleeshal from the Frans Hals Museum.
Oldy but goody. 😀 Four Beautiful Bitches. 120 x 200 (in cm.) oil paint on canvas. This was part of my soloshow: The seduction, at the Vleeshal of the Frans Hals Museum.