New Work

New in my collection a drawing from Tammo Schuringa which he made with Thé Tjong-King.

F.l.t.r moi , Tammo and a mix of Tammo and Thé Tjong-King

Petten aan zee, performance

On October 29 2012 I did the Bottlepose! Yeaah,

Doing the Bottlepose 2012 Oct. 29 at Petten aan Zee. Freezing cold it was.

Freezing cold! With a reception on the beach with hot chocolate and cookies!

At that day i filled a bottle with water in Petten aan Zee. It was exactly 50 years before, Wim T. Schippers had emptied one. Time to celebrate by taking it out again. It had been there long enough. And since the Wim performance the level of the water has been rising.. So it was time for me to take some cool action.. .I was red and cold to the bone. But loved every bit of it!

The bottle …

Project: Homeles 2003

Titel: Koot Light design. I drew this after a picture I made in one of the polluted abandoned houses that I visited. Some of those houses were filled with dirt up to the roof. The smell was horrible.

Koot Light Design 210×150 (cm.)

Project: Homeless

This vehicle was on the street in Amsterdam around the corner of my house. A very old woman lived in it. The length of the back is about 120 cm. long.

Little Car, the house of a forgotten woman

Samual Becket

I think Becket is one of the greatest play writers. That’s what I found out during my courses dramaturgy. I made a series of self portraits with masks when I was in my last year of The Gerrit Rietveld Art Academie.